Wednesday, May 27, 2009

New Schuster Season!!

The new season for the 2009-2010 Schuster Theatre season has been chosen!! And Fr. Shawn Clerkin just put out a new video talking about all of the shows we will be doing. We'll start off with Dancing at Lughnasa, a memory play told from the point of view of Michael Evans, recounting the summer in his aunt's cottage when he was seven years old. Next, we will perform Nevermore, based on the life of poet Edgar Allen Poe and the women in his life. After that, and probably the one I'm looking forward to auditioning for the most, is Title of Show.

I've always been sort of drawn to modern plays and musicals, probably since I feel like I can relate to them moreso than to more period pieces. That why I loved I Love You Because so much last season!! It was a musical set in present day NYC, and I really felt at home in the setting (even though I don't live in New York... some day though, some day.)

After that is a brand new adaptation of The Wizard of Oz written by recent Gannon graduate Zach Flock, called The Oz Project. We just had a read-through of it towards the end of last semester, and it is so cool. It has this dark wit to it, with all the characters you recognize from the original, along with some you don't.

In the video, Fr. Shawn goes on to talk a little more about a master class we'll be offering with Daphne-Ruben Vega (from the original cast of RENT!), as well as this year's fundraiser, American Scrapbook. Check it out!

Peace, Nicole

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